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Where the world comes together

Nathalie hiver

Advised by Nathalie , Holiday planner

Cosmopolitan, magical and mythical… Lourdes is one of those extraordinary other worldly places. Each year more than 6 million visitors from more than 140 countries visit Lourdes. It was in 1858 in this small mountain town that a young girl called Bernadette saw 18 separate apparitions of the Virgin Mary in a cave close to the river. It is the second most visited town in France after Paris, but Lourdes possesses a calm and tranquillity to offer a place of prayer, charm and legend which leaves nobody insensitive.

La Basilique du Rosaire bordée par le gave de Pau Le château fort à Lourdes sur son éperon rocheux domine la ville. Le funiculaire du Pic du Jer et derrière le panorama sur la plaine